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Resume Tips

April 10th, 2023

When I work with my clients, one of the first thing I do is help them create a 1-page resume. This allows me to get to know their background and achievements, and lays the foundation for the application process. The resume is also a very important aspect of an MBA (and other grad school) application.

Here are some key points of a successful MBA resume:

1. Clear and concise formatting: Use a clean and organized layout with consistent font sizes and styles. Times New Roman 10.5 or 11 is typically the font I use.
2. Quantifiable achievements: Include specific numbers and statistics to showcase your accomplishments in your current and previous roles.
3. Results-oriented language: Use action verbs and strong language to describe your experiences and achievements.
4. Relevant experience: Emphasize experiences that are relevant to the MBA program or the specific job you’re applying for.
5. Education: Highlight your undergraduate degree, relevant coursework or certifications, and extracurricular activities.
6. Leadership experience: Showcase any leadership positions you’ve held, including academic, volunteer work or extracurricular activities.
7. Technical skills: Include any technical skills or software proficiencies that are relevant to the MBA program or the job you’re applying for. List certifications like CPA as well.
8. Keep it concise: Don’t try to cram in too much information. Edit out unimportant details so that your most important points aren’t overlooked.
Follow this advice, and you are one step closer to achieving your admission goal.


Jeff Roah





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