
TEL:050-5532-3428 English


IELTS Writing Advice

May 29th, 2023

Earlier today, I was asked by a client for tips on how to improve his IELTS writing scores. I put some thoughts together and provided him with three lists. The first list was general tips. The other two were specific advice regarding Task 1 and Task 2. He said the information was useful, so I would like to share some of the content here. This is just a portion of what I created. The full list is only available to my clients. If anyone has specific questions, you can contact me at jeff@roahconsulting.jp.

General Tips (partial list)
1. Spend a few minutes planning your ideas and organizing your thoughts before you start writing. This will help you maintain a clear and coherent structure throughout your response.
2. Divide your essays into clear paragraphs, with each paragraph addressing a specific point or idea. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, followed by supporting details and examples.
3.Understand how the writing section is assessed. The IELTS writing criteria include task achievement, coherence and cohesion, vocabulary, and grammatical range and accuracy. Aim to fulfill these criteria in your writing to score well.

Specific Tips for IELTS Writing Task 1
1. Carefully examine the graph, chart, or diagram provided in the question. Identify the main trends, significant features, and any notable changes over time.
2. Include an overview paragraph that summarizes the main trends or features of the data without going into too much detail. Present an overall picture of the data.
3. Look for similarities, differences, and correlations between the data points. Use comparative language (e.g., higher/lower, increase/decrease) and appropriate language for trends (e.g., rise, fall, stabilize) to analyze the data effectively.

Specific Tips for Writing Task 2
1. In your introduction, provide a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or viewpoint. This statement should guide the reader and set the direction for the rest of your essay.
2. Begin each body paragraph with a strong topic sentence that introduces the main idea or argument of that paragraph. Ensure that each topic sentence directly relates to your main point(s).
3. Task 2 is worth more than Task 1, so allocate around 40 minutes for this section (and 20 for Task 1).


Jeff Roah





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