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Key Points in Recommendation Letters

June 30th, 2023

I hope everyone is staying cool and dry this summer. As we are getting closer to application deadlines, it’s time to start thinking about recommendation letters. I am often asked what are the key components that make an effective recommendation letter. So, I decided to compile a list, which I have posted below:

1. Introduction and your relationship with the candidate: Begin the letter by introducing yourself and explaining your relationship with the candidate, such as their supervisor, colleague, or mentor. Establish your credibility as a recommender.
2. Emphasize the candidate’s qualifications: Highlight the candidate’s exceptional qualifications, including their relevant academic background, professional experience, and any notable achievements. Focus on their strengths and expertise that make them a strong candidate for the Executive MBA program.
3. Leadership abilities: Discuss the candidate’s leadership abilities and provide specific examples of how they have demonstrated effective leadership skills, such as motivating teams, fostering collaboration, and achieving outstanding results.
4. Analytical and strategic thinking: Highlight the candidate’s ability to analyze complex situations, think strategically, and develop effective solutions. Illustrate their capacity to identify opportunities, overcome challenges, and make informed decisions.
5. Communication and interpersonal skills: Comment on the candidate’s strong communication skills and their ability to effectively engage with individuals at all levels of the organization. Describe their interpersonal skills, such as building relationships, resolving conflicts, and working collaboratively.
6. Commitment to continuous learning: Discuss the candidate’s passion for learning and professional development. Highlight their proactive efforts to stay updated with industry trends, their participation in relevant training programs or certifications, and their willingness to take on new challenges.
7. Personal character and work ethic: Mention the candidate’s personal attributes, such as integrity, resilience, and a strong work ethic. Discuss their reliability, honesty, and sense of responsibility.
8. Overall recommendation: Clearly state your recommendation for the candidate’s admission to the Executive MBA program. Express your confidence in their ability to excel academically and contribute positively to the program.


Jeff Roah





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