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Visiting Campus

August 27th, 2023.

Now that the Pandemic is largely in the rearview mirror, business schools are again open for campus visits. If you can afford it, I highly recommend visiting the top schools on your application list. Doing so can be very useful for several reasons. Here are some of them:

– Environment: Visiting a campus allows you to experience the surroundings and atmosphere. You can assess the campus layout, facilities, and overall environment to see if it matches your preferences.
– Interactions: You may be able to meet with professors, current students, and admissions staff. This can provide insights into the teaching style, culture, and networking opportunities. This also gives you a chance to make a positive impression.
– Attend a class: Some business schools offer the chance for candidates to sit in onclasses or attend workshops. This firsthand experience can give you a better understanding of the curriculum, teaching methods, and class dynamics.
– Surrounding area: Visiting the campus gives you a chance to explore the local community and determine if the location is a good fit for you (and your family if they will be joining you).
– Networking: Visiting the campus enables you to gauge the opportunities for networking with fellow students, alumni, and relevant industry professionals.
– Personalize your application: Mentioning your campus visit in your application can demonstrate your genuine interest in the program. Admissions committees often appreciate applicants who have taken the time to familiarize themselves with the school.
– Gut instinct: A campus visit can give you a “gut feeling” about whether a school is the right fit for you.
Alternatives: OF course, not all candidates may be able to visit campuses in person due to cost and other factors. If that is the case, do not despair. Virtual tours, online information sessions, and interactions with current students and alumni can also help in making an informed decision and making your presence be felt.


Jeff Roah





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