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15 years

Wow, 15 years already!
Time really does fly when you’re passionate about what you do and when you see the positive impact of your efforts. Reflecting on the journey since I launched my business a decade and a half ago, it’s incredible to see how far we’ve come. From the outset, my vision was clear: to establish a company dedicated to providing top-notch MBA/Grad School admissions services that are both high in quality and reasonably priced. And I’m proud to say that I’ve not only realized this vision but have surpassed it.
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding and supporting hundreds of individuals on their journey to academic success. Each admission represents not just a milestone for my clients but also a testament to the effectiveness of our approach. People often ask me if I still find joy in the work I do, and my answer is always a resounding yes. There’s nothing quite like satisfaction that comes from receiving that call or email from a client, excitedly sharing the news of their acceptance into their dream program.
But beyond the admission successes, what truly makes this work fulfilling is the opportunity to connect with such a diverse and inspiring group of individuals. Every client brings their own unique background, experiences, and aspirations to the table, and it’s a privilege to be able to play a part in shaping their future success. What’s more, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to work with individuals who are not just ambitious for personal gain but who are also deeply committed to making a positive impact in their organizations and society at large.
Helping highly motivated professionals achieve their academic goals never gets old. It’s a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me, driving me to continually refine and enhance my services to better meet the evolving needs of my clients. As I celebrate this milestone anniversary, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to do work that I love and for the incredible individuals who have entrusted me with their academic aspirations. Here’s to the next 15 years of turning dream schools into reality!


Jeff Roah





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